
Embattled Nick Mwendwa Released On Ksh.4 Million Cash Bail.

Embattled Nick Mwendwa Released On Ksh.4 Million Cash Bail. Photo Courtesy
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Embattled Nick Mwendwa Released On Ksh.4 Million Cash Bail.

Troubled FKF President Nick Mwendwa has been freed on Ksh.4 million cash bail.

Magistrate Wandia Nyamu further ordered Mwendwa not to address media or contact FKF employees.

The beleaguered football chief has also been directed not to access the FKF offices or staff pending a ruling on Wednesday on whether he will be detained for 14 days or not.

Embattled Nick Mwendwa Released On Ksh.4 Million Cash Bail. Photo Courtesy

Mwendwa was arrested on Friday over claims of misapplication of funds meant for the national football teams. He has however maintained his innocence, claiming ‘witch hunt’ by the Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed.

At the same time, Fifa on Monday warned Amina to reinstate the FKF executive committee members warning of possible sanctions on Kenya.

In a letter signed by Fifa Secretary General Fatama Samoura, the global football management body added: “Going forward, without prejudice to the allegations that have raised and any potential trial for offences that may have been committed, Fifa and Caf area asking you to consider the reinstatement of the FKF executive committee members as prior thereto. FIFA and CAF administrations are prepared to work closely with the FKF ad your office representatives – as it has already been the case in the recent past – to normalise the situation.”

Felicity Gitonga
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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