
Student Sneaks From School To Check On Bhang He Grows At Home.

Student Sneaks From School To Check On Bhang He Grows At Home. Photo Courtesy
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Student Sneaks From School To Check On Bhang He Grows At Home.

A 16-year-old boy was arrested after he sneaked out of school to check on the bhang he allegedly grows at home.

The Form One student was caught by Enchoro assistant chief Henry Otiso after he was seen around his home.

“I received a tip-off from the public that the student had sneaked from school and that he had been seen where he resides. I rushed there with some other members of Nyumba Kumi and arrested the boy. We also uprooted the bhang as evidence,” reads the report of the administrator that was recorded at Gesima Police Post.

The chief said the boy had about 50 plants near their house.

Student Sneaks From School To Check On Bhang He Grows At Home. Photo Courtesy

Nyamira County Police Commander Grace Kakai said the suspect will be arraigned and asked parents to be vigilant of their children’s activities.

“Parents should be key in preventing the problem of drugs,” Kakai said.

The arrest of the boy comes at a time when the government is dealing with rising cases of insecurity in schools with fires being recorded often.

A month ago, the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) and officers drawn from other agencies converged in Nyamira to address the rising cases of illicit brew sale and drug abuse.

Nyanza regional co-ordinator Magu Mutindika had placed the county at number two nationally.

Mutindika warned security officers and administrators of dire consequences if illegal substances are found in their areas of jurisdiction.

“Every security agent whose area will be found to have such substances will face disciplinary actions,” he said.


ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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