
Marriage Backlog At The Sheria House

Officials at the state law office say they have managed to digitize all the marriage processes and the public is now able to make applications and payments electronically
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Marriages suspended amid COVID-19

A number of those seeking official marriages have gone up during this coronavirus pandemic crisis. However, this has not been easy during this period that the country is fighting the virus. At least 793 couples will now be required to apply afresh for registration of their marriages once operations at Sheria House recommence.

Last month, Registrar-General Mary Njuya temporarily halted marriage ceremonies at Sheria House to allow the department to develop a strategy on handling the overwhelming number of clients

State Law Office Chief Administrative Secretary (CASWinnie Guchu says once the Ministry of Health inspects the premises and gives a go-ahead, marriage ceremonies might re-open sooner than expected.

At least 815 applicants had applied for the marriage before the coronavirus pandemic and 1,754 are those seeking a certificate to wed in a church or a temple. According to the law, there are 22 valid applications and a total of 793 of those who need a fresh application.

Guchu added that “For someone to conduct a marriage, it should take place within 90 days since the date of application. So what has happened because of coronavirus, only 22 cases timeline has not expired while the remaining 793 has expired. If we are to issue certificates to 793 couples, their certificates will not apply legally,”

Officials at the state law office say they have managed to digitize all the marriage processes.

Officials at the state law office say they have managed to digitize all the marriage processes and the public is now able to make applications and payments electronically.

Last month, Registrar-General Mary Njuya temporarily halted marriage ceremonies at Sheria House to allow the department to develop a strategy on handling the overwhelming number of clients who visited Sheria House seeking marriage services in compliance with the Ministry of Health guidelines to combat the spread of coronavirus.

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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