Cs Munya Accused By Trans Nzoia Farmers Of Mishandling The Ministry
In a letter, Trans Nzoia farmers led by Peter Chemuigut, a leader in the region have urged Agriculture, livestock, fisheries and Cooperatives CS Peter Munya to be keen on his work as it is detororiating each and every single day

Cs Munya Accused By Trans Nzoia Farmers Of Mishandling The Ministry. Photo Courtesy
Peter Chemuigut,
Po Box 1404-30200, KITALE
chemuigut@gmail.com Tel:0711898931
March 31, 2021.
Mr. Twalib Abdalla Mbaraka, CBS,
Secretary/Chief Executive Officer
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
Integrity Centre, NAIROBI.
Email; eacc@integrity.go.ke
Dear Sir,
REF; Illegalities at Kenya Seed Company Running Down Critical Intuition on Food Security.
It’s with regret that I am writing this petition to bring to your attention that Kenya Seed Company Management with protection of some members of its Board from Government and CS Agriculture have been deviant, circumventing and in violation of Company act 2015, KSC Article of Association, Public procurement act and Constitution 2010; Therefore, below are five (5) Salient Issues that continue to happen without any reference to established laws & procedures in running of an intuitions that play critical in provision of seeds to millions of farmers;
The formers KSC Board had recommended and negotiated the buying of Late Ruto 200 acres Farm in Endebess at Ksh 800K per acres , However KSC Managing Director in collaboration with ADC representative on Board; Mr Eliud Mathu skimming to procure the land at exhorting cost of Ksh 2 Million per acres when value for land per acres is about Ksh 1Million. The private company stands to lose Ksh 200 Million. If that is not enough on this procurement of land, the management is un-procedurally not adhering to Procurement and Assets Disposal act 2015 as this process has not followed due process and in violation of article 158 of 2015 company act that stipulates that shareholders must approve substantial property transaction. National Treasury decline request 20th Aug 2020 letter KSC/MD/NT/1.3/20/08 from KSC seeking approval for buying of said land. The Treasury advisory is being circumvented through Kilomo with assistance of Mr Eliud Mathu with intention to defraud company
Since year there has been a high occurrence of fake seeds sold to unsuspecting farmers of which it been confirmed at maturity and poor harvest, this has been caused by poor management at KSC which doesn’t have good governance due to CS Munya Interference and discrimination to private sector. Growers that usually get an average of 90% seeds to KSC get upto 60% of which the 40% rejects feeds into fake seeds in the market and considering it doesn’t get correct seed processing, the seeds end badly.
The KSC Board has been holding Boards meeting without invitation and involvement of private sectors continue directors again Compact Act 2015 and KSC Articles of Association.
Against Company Act 2015 and in blatant violation of the KSC Articles of Association, Peter Munya- CS Agriculture appointed Fred Oloibe who has serious integrity issues both at KSC AND Portland Cement. In KSC; a) He has outstanding case of supplier of 10,000 gunny against an IPO in 2011/2012 ; b) He stole fertilizer and delivered to his house in June 2014 c) He attempted to defraud company fertilizer purported to grower d) In 2020 field day, he approved allowance of Ksh 400,000 to Cabinet Secretary yet KSC is not parastatal. In Portland Cement; He was subject to disciplinary for malpractice
The 50th AGM held on 26th March was held in totally disregard to Company act 2015, KSC Article of Association and Constitution 2010.a) the notice of AGM and Agenda did not included continuing directors, b) KSC article and Company says Chair of AGM must be Shareholder and continuing directors of which the meeting was forced to be chaired by Eng Kamau from Treasury; the 2015 act does not provide State Department with Authority to interfere in privately owned company affairs, c) Person selected from ADC and KFA did not have approval from its boards d) The Chair Eng Kamau forced a board member of KFA instead of its MD of which an exercise of company is carried by managing director e) Directors Voting was fraud as some members were not voted but selected with ADC interference in discriminating, selecting and nomination of Private. f) Pre determined Directors forced on private shareholders against Constitution 2010; they indicated they don’t want certain nominated directors and g) Abuse of office by state officers for their personal gains by interference of running of KSC.
As a leader and professional in the seed industry, I cannot keep silent on an issue that will affect millions of livelihoods, Therefore, I humbly request your office to investigate and intervene urgently on this matter that is critical to Food Security.
A leader in the Region

Cs Munya Accused By Trans Nzoia Farmers Of Mishandling The Ministry. Photo Courtesy
This even as NCPB boss Joseph Kimote said the board has a stock of approximately 124,000 50kg bags of residual subsidized fertilizer.
“We will sell the assorted blends of fertilizer at the previous subsidized price of Sh1,800 per 50 kg bag. The fertilizer will be sold to any interested person on a first come first serve basis. The stocks are available in various depots in the country,” he said.
Kimote confirmed that there will be no vetting as it is open for anybody that wants to buy the assorted fertilizer in stock