
5 Family Members Found Dead In Githurai 45

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Family Of 5 Suffocates To Death From Charcoal Jiko In Githurai

A couple and their three children were found dead in their house Saturday, in what police blamed on suffocation from a Charcoal jiko.

Neighbours in Githurai 45 told police they sensed danger when the family failed to wake up on Saturday morning.

They then broke into the house and found the bodies. A Charcoal jiko was also found in the house. They were all in bed, a suggestion that they died in their sleep after inhaling Carbon Monoxide.

“We received information that the family had not been seen since January 1, and when the officers and neighbours went into the house they found all the bodies,” said Phinea Siringera, police chief for Ruiru, “from what we found in the house, we believe that possibly they died out of suffocation.”

The police chief said the man sells boiled maize in the estate “and the charcoal jiko he has been using in the business was the one found in the house. It appears fire was not extinguished.”

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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