
Violent across US as protesters demand justice for George Floyd death

Protesters have clashed with police in cities across the US over the killing of an unarmed African-American man at the hands of officers in Minneapolis. Photo Courtesy

George Floyd death has angered people of Minneapolis

Thousands of people have protested across the US over the killing of a vulnerable Black American man at the hands of officers in Minneapolis. This has seen four officers arrested and sacked.

Earlier on Monday Derek Chauvin a white officer was imaged kneeling on 46-year-old George Floyd’s neck that led to his death.

Protestors gathered outside the white house demanding justice for George. His death has angered citizens as this is not the first case of police killing black Americans.

Protesters have clashed with police in cities across the US over the killing of an unarmed African-American man at the hands of officers in Minneapolis. Photo Courtesy

During the protest in Atlanta, buildings were destroyed and police vehicles set ablaze.

US President Donald Trump has condemned the act saying he has spoken with Floyds’ family who wants tougher charges and action against the other officers involved in Floyd’s detention and death.

Derek Chauvin, 44, is due to appear in court in Minneapolis for the first time on Monday

This comes after the deaths of Eric Garner who died in police custody in New York in 2014, Michael Brown, and others which have all occurred since the Black Lives Matter movement was sparked by the acquittal of neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2012.

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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