
My Husband’s Wife

My Husband's Wife
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What Entices You To Read A Book?

Every day is a learning day. Right? Most of us have embraced the culture of reading at least two or more books in a month. Different people read different books with different themes at a given time. Some choose romantic, inspirational, religious, or even historical books.

When buying a book, you think carefully about which book you’re going to invest in.

Recently, I read a novel dubbed “My Husbands Wife” by Jane Corry. Whatever attracted me to this book is the title. The irony insinuated in the title left me wondering what the writer could have in store for her readers. Actually, it is a thriller that leaves one with the urge of reading more books authored by Jane Corry.

The title of the book tells it all. Photo Courtesy

It is complex and fully drawn out that these men, women, and even the children will not only make you question their motivations but the motivations of the closest people in your life.

Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for


Beyond wanting a great read, you may have other requirements which include:

Literally Merits

How has the book been received by those who have read? The critics offered by other knowledgeable readers make one desperate for reading the book.

The Title

Make an instantaneous assessment of whether the book seems relevant, whether it is for you, and if it sounds interesting by having a look at the title of the book.

Why read?

It is reasonable and logical to ask yourself why you want to read a book.  For instance, reading for entertainment results in very different choices than reading for knowledge and growth. However, there is no right or wrong, better or worse method. Embrace your choices.

The Synopsis

This is a summary of a book that conveys the narrative arc, an explanation of the plot, the characters, and how the book or novel ends. It certifies character actions and motivations are realistic and make sense. It summarizes what happens and who changes from beginning to end of the story.


ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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  1. Nice piece…

  2. Thank you dear

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