
“Makueni County Is The Tree Planting Champion” Says Dr. Sonia Nzilani

“Makueni County Is The Tree Planting Champion” Says Dr. Sonia Nzilani
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“Makueni County Is The Tree Planting Champion” Says Dr. Sonia Nzilani

Speaking during the launch of regreening Kenya a project that seeks to counter the impacts of climate change and improve the resilience and adaptability of women and children, Makueni County Lands urban planning and development, environment and climate minister Dr. Sonia Nzilani says they are glad to partner with ChildFund who want to plant 130k trees in Makueni.

“Makueni County Is The Tree Planting Champion” Says Dr. Sonia Nzilani

The partnership will play a great role in enhancing Makueni’s goal of planting 344 million trees by 2032.

Being a climate change ambassador, Dr. Sonia holds a PHD in Natural Resources and Life Sciences and is the founder of Kibwezi Center for sustainability that promotes environmental conservation. She says they have so far planted about 5 million trees.

She adds that “Makueni’s forest cover is staggering at around 5 percent and we want to increase it to 20 percent by the year 2027. We have forest restoration programs and more that touch base from the village level to ward level, subcounty level up to county level. We also have programs that will help restore our wet lands.”

“Makueni County Is The Tree Planting Champion” Says Dr. Sonia Nzilani

She explains that it is not just the number of trees you plant on the ground but on the people’s mind.

“I am glad that ChildFund has involved children in regreening Kenya where more sensitization and advocacy of tree planting is being done.”

Dr. Sonia affirms that “Makueni is known as champions of tree planting and that is why you saw President William Ruto during the tree planting day in the county. The 130 thousand trees planted on tree planting day are all surviving and we are doing everything possible to make sure that they all grow”

“Makueni County Is The Tree Planting Champion” Says Dr. Sonia Nzilani

Given the aridity nature of Makueni and to ensure sustainability, Sonia says ”We do the shared responsibility approach whereby if we are giving trees to a school, we ensure they have a way of sustaining them”

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