Pregnancy And Infant Loss.
There is nothing so painful as losing a child in form of miscarriage or soon after birth. Most women go through trauma and some end up in depression. That is why national pregnancy and infant loss awareness week is always held annually from 9th to 15th October every year. The main aim is to remember parents, friends, and relatives who have gone through infant loss.
According to Stacey Losah, a certified mid-wife from Moi teaching and referral hospital, Mother-Baby Department, pregnancy loss and infant deaths may include miscarriage, stillbirth, and death of a newborn.
“Most women lose infants in form of miscarriage, while others die during birth. Some are born before 9 months and with complications hence leading to deaths”, says Stacey.
As Stacey puts it, this kind of loss is never spoken about, hence leading to depression among many women.
“Most women do not like talking about this kind of loss because the experience is painful and overwhelming at the same time”, explains Stacey.
“However, there are those who mourn the loss. This group of women need support and understanding while the other group requires counseling before anything else”, adds Stacey.
Lost A Pregnancy or An Infant After Birth?… Painful
The question most women ask themselves after the incident is why…
Morin Minayo, a 32-year-old Mother of 2 narrates how she lost her 3rd pregnancy in unexpected circumstances.
“It was during my second trimester when I felt a sharp pain on my abdomen at night. I assumed, thinking that it was normal. After all, I was not a first-time mother”, narrates Morin.
“The pain continued for a while. My husband tried massaging my back but things got worse. At 6 am, I felt something like water. It was my husband who realized that I was bleeding”, adds Morin.
She was rushed to Eldoret Gaenocare hospital when the doctor broke the news of a miscarriage.
“I was shocked! Being the first time to experience miscarriage, it really ate the better part of me for a very long time”, says Morin.
She was lucky because her husband was her sole pillar of strength and he understood. Unlike Rebecca whose husband blamed her for the loss.
“I underwent tough moments after losing my baby at birth. According to the midwife who helped me, the baby had breathing complications”, remembers Rebecca.
“As a first-time mother, I felt devastated because I had plans for my young family”, narrates Rebecca.
“My husband left me in the hospital accusing me of killing our child, something that I still have not come out of it”, adds Rebecca.
According to Stacey, there are many things that can lead to pregnancy and infant loss. This includes
- Thyroid disorders which may lead to infertility or recurrent miscarriages
- Uterine fibroids which can interfere with the implantation of blood supply to the fetus
- The septum, which some women are born with, uncommon uterine defect linked to miscarriage.
- Hormonal imbalance- especially when a woman’s body does not produce enough hormone progesterone, which is important in helping the uterine lining to support the fetus.
- Drugs and drug abuse which includes alcohol consumption may lead to pregnancy loss.
Stacey advises women to always seek medical advice when they want to conceive especially when having a chronic illness like diabetes, hypertension among others.
“Make friends with your doctor. Ask questions. Seek clarification. And also choose a suitable lifestyle which includes eating a balanced diet and exercising”, advises Stacey.
This is deep….. Really needs support
Indeed the victims need support.Thank you for reading.
It’s sad nobody wants to talk about this topic. I lost 2 pregnancies in 2016. Hardest time for my husband and I but I thank God I was able to carry the next pregnancy to term and now my rainbow baby is 31/2yrs. Thank you for covering this topic Tyra. God bless
Hugs! hugs!hugs! are a strong woman…and congratulations!Thank you for sharing.