Deputy President Prof. Kithure Kindiki Chairs His First Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC) Meeting
The Deputy President Prof. Kithure Kindiki chaired The 25th Intergovernmental Budget and Economic.
The meeting brought together officials from all counties and the national government including Cabinet Secretaries and Governors.
To bolster development and enhance service delivery at the grassroots level, at least 9 resolutions were concluded.
That in reiterating the commitment of government to facilitate the full implementation of devolution, all institutions give priority to the implementation of IBEC resolutions and establish a monitoring system
for effective tracking and reporting.
Both levels of government promote effective coordination, cooperation and consultation in the implementation of their mandates to insulate devolution and service delivery, guided by the spirit of cordial and amicable settlement of concerns in mutual respect for each institutions mandate, and in pursuit of the greater public interest.

Deputy President Prof. Kithure Kindiki Chairs His First Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC) Meeting
The unbundling and transfer of functions that have already been agreed upon between the national and county governments be expedited for conclusion and gazettement by today, 13th December, 2024, and that sectoral engagements be immediately undertaken to bring to resolution all other functions pending consensus that are before the Intergovernmental Relations Technical Committee.
Further, the performance assessment for functions already devolved to County Governments is to be expedited through the IGRTC.
Both levels of government facilitate the documentation, inspection, valuation and transfer of county fixed assets, with the State Department of Lands guided to expedite the valuation process for land and buildings inherited by County Governments.
The Office of the Deputy President convene a high-level meeting for both levels of Government to resolve identified issues and concerns relating to:
a. The ICRMS system for revenue collection;
b. Outstanding disbursements arising from the County Government Additional Allocation 2023/2024
c. Fastrack of mediation for the 2024/25 CGAA Bill currently before Parliament
d. Mechanism to isolate donor funds and secure their distinctive disbursement to County Governments.

Deputy President Prof. Kithure Kindiki Chairs His First Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC) Meeting
Appreciate the concerns raised by the Council of Governors and the Controller of Budget on the current mechanism for approval of withdrawal of funds and multiple accounts held by County Governments, and also appreciating the perceptions arising from the COB quarterly reports, that the Office of the Deputy President.
The Council appreciates the expedited action of the National Treasury of disbursing funds to County Governments, and notes that an additional Ksh. 32 billion is due to be disbursed to County Governments on Thursday by 19th December, 2024 being the amount due for November 2024.
Further, that the National Treasury prioritizes disbursement of arrears accruing to the Equalization Fund.
The National Treasury fast track amendment of Sections 110, 191A-E of the PFMA, 2012 through Parliament to facilitate ease of access of conditional grants by County Governments
The County Governments enhance revenue collection mechanisms by strengthening administrative processes, adopting innovative and long-term approaches to broaden the revenue base, and implementing measures to minimise leakages.
Guided by the spirit of collaboration and coordination, and the need to minimize bureaucracy in service delivery, the Chairperson of the IBEC has called on all devolution stakeholders to work in harmony, devoid of undue bureaucracy for purposes of efficient service delivery to the citizens.