
A Decade Of Amapiano: The upside of COVID-19 restrictions

A Decade Of Amapiano: The upside of COVID-19 restrictions
A Decade Of Amapiano: The upside of COVID-19 restrictions

A Decade Of Amapiano: The upside of COVID-19 restrictions

The entertainment industry in South Africa was impacted immensely when the 2020 COVID-19 restrictions hit.

Even then, Amapinano was proving to be an unstoppable genre, and the restrictions cut loose its growing tail…or so it appeared.

What followed next, its trajectory, is explored in detail in ‘A Decade of Amapiano’ website’s connectivity and digitisation pillar.

A Decade Of Amapiano: The upside of COVID-19 restrictions

A Decade Of Amapiano: The upside of COVID-19 restrictions

Additionally, the connectivity and digitisation pillar contextualises its growth from fewer than 800,000 playlists that featured Amapiano tracks in 2019 to just under 1.2 million playlists a year later, then to over 2 million playlists in 2021.

We would appreciate you telling the unique story of how the Amapiano genre has anchored on connectivity and digitisation in the past decade.

For more information, check out the Spotify’s For The Record site and on the Amapiano destination on-platform.

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