
Ksh 260 Million Worth PPEs Delivered To Public Hospitals

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“We need wise use of PPEs” Kenyans Say

The Kenya Covid-19 Fund Board, in partnership with Equity Group Foundation (EGF), has completed the delivery of the first consignment of locally manufactured PPEs valued at Ksh 260Million to public hospitals for use by healthcare workers dealing with COVID-19 patients.

Speaking during the handover of the PPEs at the Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Dr. James Mwangi, the Chair of the Health Committee of the Kenya COVID-19 Board expressed gratitude to the various hospital liaison committees who have coordinated the receipt of the PPEs in their respective hospitals. He commended their commitment to ensuring the prudent use of the PPEs by Health care workers dealing with COVID-19 Fund patients.

Dr. Mwangi added “We have witnessed the seamless delivery of PPEs around the country, using independent services of Fargo Courier. The distribution system is fully digitized from their central warehouse and has a sophisticated tracking system that ensures last mile receipt by the respective hospital liaison committee in each benefiting hospital. The liaison committees verify the consignment, receive, and take responsibility for the proper usage by the health care workers.”

The Kenya Covid-19 Fund Board, in partnership with Equity Group Foundation (EGF) have completed the delivery of the first consignment of locally manufactured PPEs valued at Ksh 260Million to public hospitals

He also said that the Kenya COVID-19 Fund Board through the Health Committee had embarked on the process of procuring the second batch of PPEs worth Ksh 440Million in order to build a reservoir to sustainably equip frontline medical workers.

While receiving the consignment, Medical Superintendent at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Dr. Musa Mohammed noted that the PPEs will go a long way in protecting frontline workers that are providing medical support to COVID-19 patients at the hospitals.

Major General Mohamed Badi, Director General of Nairobi Metropolitan Service was the chief guest at the PPEs handover ceremony event who said, “We are indeed grateful to Kenya COVID-19 Fund Board and EGF who have partnered on this patriotic duty to safeguard our healthcare workers so that they can, in turn, protect all of us.”

He added “I thank His Excellency the President for putting together industry captains to manage the COVID-19 response initiative in our country. They have deployed their experience in running the most successful corporations in our country to put mechanisms in place, within a very short time to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.”  Major General Badi urged the hospital liaison committee to oversee the efficient usage of the PPEs.

At the same time, frontline healthcare staff dealing with COVID-19 patients are receiving case management training and psychosocial support to help them cope with the daily challenges occasioned by their service in the fight against COVID-19 in the country.

The collaboration between the Ministry of Health, the Kenya COVID-19 Fund, and Equity Group Foundation ensures a coordinated effort on the national priorities of combatting the pandemic while reaping the benefits of economies of scale to maximize resource allocation and avoid duplication of efforts in the provision of PPEs.

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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