
World Teachers’ Day 2022: Theme, History, Significance

World Teachers’ Day 2022: Theme, History, Significance
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World Teachers’ Day 2022: Theme, History, Significance


World Teachers Day 2022 will have as its theme “The change of education begins with teachers”.

October 5 is celebrated as Teachers Day or World Teachers Day around the world. It is observed to express gratitude for the contributions of teachers, who prepare children to face the world.

Teachers, take care of every child without prejudice and instill confidence and courage in them, in addition to educating and training them. Teachers, without a doubt, are wonderful mentors and philosophers who help us to get the ability to handle life’s ups and downs.

In the year 1994, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) proclaimed October 5 as World Teachers’ Day. The date is significant as it was on this day in 1966 that a special intergovernmental meeting accepted the UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Teachers.

The suggestion provided teachers with an outline of their obligations and rights. The historical recommendation tackles the subject of teachers’ continuous education as well as issues related to education personnel policy, recruitment, and initial training.

World Teachers’ Day 2022: Theme, History, Significance


The purpose of World Teachers’ Day is to recognize, evaluate, and enhance the status of teachers around the globe. This day is also viewed as a chance to think about and resolve problems relating to teachers and education.

Every year to commemorate World Teachers’ Day, UNESCO and Education International (EI) organize a campaign with a varied topic to promote a better understanding of teachers and their line of work because they are crucial to the growth of students and society.

World Teachers’ Day is of the utmost importance since it is observed to commemorate accomplishments and to consider strategies for overcoming difficulties that the teaching profession faces.

Felicity Gitonga
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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