
Uhuru’s Extraordinary Summit To Review The Surge Of COVID-19

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Uhuru’s Extraordinary Summit To Review The Surge Of COVID-19

President Uhuru Kenyatta has today convened the sixth extraordinary session of the National and County Governments Coordinating Summit which shall be held on Wednesday 4th November 2020.

The extraordinary session has been convened in light of the resurgence of COVID-19 infections across the country as exhibited by the fact that Kenya has recorded its highest number of COVID-19 monthly fatalities in October 2020.

The session shall consider the evolution of the disease as well as the epidemiological models on how COVID-19 may propagate within the country over the months of November and December 2020.

The session shall also review the efficacy of the containment in place, as well as the impact of the easing of the restrictions that were in place.

The president has called on all Kenyans to continue applying the simple yet highly effective individual and collective measures that are our Nation’s best weapon against the virus.

Through the statehouse spokesperson Kanze Dena Mararo, the president has urged Kenyans to continue wearing facemasks correctly while in public places, apply correct hand hygiene at all times and adhere to correct hand hygiene at all times and adhere to the physical and social distancing guidelines and protocols that have been put in place to safeguard our individual and collective health and safety.

By doing so, Kenyans will ensure that the country does not lose the hard-fought-for ground secured in the fight against the virus, and also that the country shall not be compelled to roll back the easing of the restrictions that Kenyans enjoy today.

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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