
Uhuru Second Wife Joke


Work with no play makes “Jack” a dull boy

Yesterday at the Bomas of Kenya during the launch of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report was a moment of laughter after Ashura Michael, deaf human rights and gender activist from the University of Nairobi said she was ready to take up the role of being a second wife.

“Mr. President, you were recently in Kisumu and I heard you say you are looking for mpango wa kando (side chick). I know mama (First Lady Margaret Kenyatta) agreed. My father Raila is here and he is ready to take the dowry and if my brother the Deputy President agrees, he will be the best man,” Ashura said as the auditorium broke into a fit of laughter.

This enticed President Uhuru Kenyatta and had him laugh out loud that he fist-bumped Raila and then gestured the Deputy President William Ruto, who were seated next to him on the dais.

This even became funnier after West Pokot Senator Samuel Poghisio told Uhuru that “If you want to marry many women you can find it in the Bible, it depends on what you want to read,”

While addressing the gathering, the president responded to Poghisio by saying he and Poghisio needed to have a chat over the specific passage in the Bible that talked about polygamy.

“When we’re done here you’ll show me which one it is so that I can read it well,” Uhuru said. Then, turning to Ashura, he added, “halafu tutaongea baadaye mamii (then we will talk later ma’am).”


ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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