
TSC: Teachers To Renew Teaching Certificates Every 5 Years

TSC: Teachers To Renew Teaching Certificates Every 5 Years. Photo Courtesy
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TSC: Teachers To Renew Teaching Certificates Every 5 Years.

In a new policy, public school teachers will now be required to renew their teaching certificates after every five years.

Speaking at the launch of the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) Program in Kenya, the Teachers Service Commission CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia said the program remains a life-long learning program organized in six hierarchical competency levels where each level takes five years to complete.

“Section 42 of CORT on performance standards requires that all teachers undertake teacher professional development programs so they keep themselves abreast with the emerging trends in the education sector,” she added.

TSC: Teachers To Renew Teaching Certificates Every 5 Years. Photo Courtesy

The program seeks to ensure that the teacher’s learning experiences are linked to classroom practices, address the gaps identified in the TPAD process by individual teachers, able to prompt teachers to be reflective and action researchers within the school setup, able to build collaborative engagements among teachers and stakeholders resulting in a strong community of practice and finally able to enhance learner performance and achievement.

Mount Kenya University, Kenyatta University, Riara University and the KEMI have since been competitively identified as the TPD service providers to implement the program.

Every teacher registered by the Commission in Kenya is required to identify and register with one of the accredited service providers to undertake the program.

Proper sensitization by the Commission will be jointly conducted to enable teachers to know when and how to register with any of the providers, mainly through the online mechanisms.

The TSC is urging teachers to embrace the TPD program terming it a ‘game changer’.

In conclusion, Dr. Macharia thanked the teacher’s trade unions (KNUT, Kuppet and Kusnet) and associations (Kessha and Kepsha) for engaging in consultations on the programme ahead of the launch.

Felicity Gitonga
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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