
The Government Amicably Fighting DrySpell. 2 Billion

The Government Amicably Fighting DrySpell. 2 Billion Photo Courtesy
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The Government Amicably Fighting DrySpell. 2 Billion

Treasury has released 2 billion shillings towards drought mitigation as directed by President Uhuru Kenyatta. Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa says the government will continue with the relief food supply and cash transfers to the families in the worst-hit counties.

This comes two weeks after President Uhuru Kenyatta declared drought as a national disaster.

The Government Amicably Fighting DrySpell. 2 Billion Photo Courtesy

Six lorries carrying 32,000 bags of animal feed to support pastoralists were released yesterday by Devolution CS and the trucks are expected in Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, and Isiolo today.

The legislator said “We are also enhancing the cash transfer programme, under the Hunger Safety Net Programme, in addition to relief food, water tracking, and animal feeds. We have so far released Sh1.5 billion and the government, together with National Drought Management Authority, shall be going to villages to confirm if the beneficiaries received the money and how it helped them respond to the drought.’’

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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