Sugar Mummies On The Rise In Kenya
Talk of sugar daddies and people will tell you it is old news. Old men luring young girls with the idea ‘to exchange favours’ is just yesterday’s news.
I have heard of female politicians gallivanting with ‘fresh bait’ from campus. And most of the women who are rumored to do this are either unhappily married or divorced.
However, most of the “men” believe women should own their sexuality and sexual expression. They don’t believe there’s a certain age where you can’t say and feel and be who you want to be.

Sugar Mummies On The Rise In Kenya
The young know that if you don’t change for her, she will discard you and find someone else. She wants you to want her / loves you to love her, but she’s not going to feel the same way about you. After all, you are a pet, not her equal.
Just imagine getting married to your sugar mummy and being a stay-at-home dad. You do not have a say in much and you will always lose basically every argument by default. It doesn’t have a future unless you’re okay being a boy toy for the rest of your life. However, it’s not all negative as one young man said that expensive presents and “hot sex” were the main draws of the ‘job’.
The whole Sugar Mummy thing is sad. I live in a society where men have refused to grow up. some were emasculated by women and we do not blame them for that. But we are now raising a generation of boys who think they can still make the most out of life without taking any responsibility.
It is not just happening in Nairobi but in the villages where men inherit widows just to milk them.
The prospect of a generation of men being raised without any sense to provide, protect and pursue scares me. Not that I am a fan of the generation of gold-digging women. But sometimes I wish I was born in my parents’ generation when gender roles were a bit clearer and there was a sense of responsibility and mutual respect between the sexes.