Secrets You Should NEVER Tell Your Partner
Honesty in a relationship means always telling your partner the truth and being totally open with them, both for the big things and the little things. When it comes to relationships, you often hear that total honesty is the best policy. But is it?
However much we are ready to open up to our partners, if whatever you are about to say doesn’t add value to your relationship, its better stay unsaid.

Secrets You Should NEVER Tell Your Partner
Here are some of the things you should consider before sharing.
- The number of sex partners you have had
It is normal for your partner to want to know how many people you have had sex with. As a woman it is best not to give him a figure so he won’t end up using it against you. As for men, they don’t see it as a big deal. Some of them even add to their numbers.
- You don’t like their family
This is one of the hardest secrets that must be kept because we all might have that person in their family we don’t like or get along with. Unless it is a toxic situation, keep your opinion to yourself for the sake of peace.

Secrets You Should NEVER Tell Your Partner
- Why you broke up with your ex
The way you talk about an ex says even more about you. Your ex may have been fantastic but, for whatever reason, it’s over give your new partner something to work with and don’t put them in your ex’s shadow. If they were so perfect, why did you break up in the first place?
- The sex is average at best
The last thing you should do is compare and tell your partner they’re the worst sex partner you have ever experienced. Although it is easier to settle for mediocre sex than discuss it, in the long run it will hurt your relationship. Find ways to complement them on what they’re doing right and find ways to meet each other’s sexual needs by being creative on your approach
- Bugbear
Feel free to call out all the quirks your partner has. If you have spent quite some time together you will pick out certain behaviors that may irritate you. Your partner may be a loud chewer, a snorer or she unknowingly suffers from halitosis. If it is not a deal breaker simply ignore it and focus on what they’re good at. Telling them such things about themselves will only hurt and make them feel insecure.