
ODM To Reveal Presidential Candidate Next Week.

ODM To Reveal Presidential Candidate Next Week. Photo Courtesy
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ODM To Reveal Presidential Candidate Next Week.

The Orange Democratic Movement is set to unveil its Presidential candidate next week as it repositions itself for the 2022 General Elections.

ODM’s National Executive Council (NEC) will meet to resolve the paradox of whether party leader Raila Odinga will be in the race for the presidency or not.

Raila who is on a second-day tour of the Coast which begun on Monday in Tana River county said he is in no hurry for that but announced that they will use all means to ensure the BBI goes through.

Already Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho and Kakamega Governor Wyclif Oparanya have declared interest in the presidential seat and will contest using the ODM ticket.

The two leaders who are also ODM deputy party leaders presented nomination papers to the party secretariat.

ODM To Reveal Presidential Candidate Next Week. Photo Courtesy

Speaking in Dabaso in Kilifi County when the former Prime Minister went to console Devolution CAS Gideon Mung’aro and his family following the death of his uncle the late former chief Inspector Japhet Mung’aro, Raila seemed to be keen on the BBI agenda before making any declaration on whether he would contest in the 2022 general elections.

While drumming up support for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), Odinga believes the reggae which was suspended will address the issues of Kenyans after the constitutional reforms.

He reiterated that BBI will solve most of the problems including past injustices for a better Kenya.

Coast leaders led by Senator Stewart Madzayo said they are for Raila to be named as ODM’s flagbearer because he is fit to be in the top seat.

Mvita MP on his part however rallied for a negotiated democracy among those who have declared interest to see get the flag bearer.

Others present already endorsed Raila as the flag bearer to contest against Deputy President William Ruto in next year’s election.

Raila was accompanied by Junet Mohamed the ODM Director of elections and Minority chief whip, Mvita MP and Mombasa Governor aspirant Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir , Deputy Governor Gideon Saburi  Senator Stewart Madzayo, , nominated Senator Christine Zawadi, Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire.

Others were Kilifi woman rep Getrude Mbeyu , former Malindi MP Willy Mtengo , Malindi parliamentary aspirant Phillip Charo together with a host of MCAs led by the majority leader of county assembly of Kilifi Kadenge Mwathethe.

During the meeting, Mung’aro also officially declared he would vie for the Kilifi Gubernatorial seat to succeed Governor Amason Kingi who is set to complete his second term.

“I cannot talk on behalf of other parties, or alliances but I can talk on behalf of my house the house I was brought up in Politics is ODM, if one or two people exit it doesn’t mean things will not go on,” he said.

Felicity Gitonga
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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