
No Bra Day Celebrations.

No Bra Day Celebrations. Photo Courtesy

No Bra Day Celebrations.

This is a reminder to women to celebrate their breasts, get a cancer screening, and practice self-examination.

Every October 13th, women are encouraged to go braless on No Bra Day, launched by a Canadian doctor 10 years ago to promote awareness of breast cancer.

The bra has a long history as a fashion accessory and a supportive garment, but studies of its value are inconclusive.

Women are encouraged to go braless on this day, not only to free themselves from a constrictive garment but to alert them to breast cancer symptoms, remind them to get screened, and to conduct regular self-examinations.

No Bra Day Celebrations. Photo Courtesy

Here are some of the ways to promote breast cancer awareness according to Forbes:

  • Share stories

Employers can promote a better understanding of the nuances of breast cancer by encouraging employees to share their stories of struggling with and surviving the disease.

Create a breast cancer awareness bulletin board.

Organize a lunch-and-share where employees can share their stories or a lunch and learn with a non-employee breast cancer survivor.

  • Be creative with fundraising

Go beyond nationally organized fundraising drives and host your own walks, raffles, and sporting events are all possibilities.

Encourage collaboration and involvement by offering a 50/50 match.Show support and solidarity in nonfinancial ways as well.

You can collect colorful scarves and hats and donate them to a local chemo center.

  • Make workplace accommodations

Employers can go the extra mile by offering accommodations that make the challenge of  breast cancer treatment more manageable.

Some are obvious, such as a modified or reduced schedule to allow for treatments and doctor’s appointments.

  • Empower women

Employers can use the platform of the workplace to proactively give women the information they need to take charge of their health.

  • Educate all employees

A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every two minutes in the U.S. It is the most common cancer for women worldwide.

We have come a long way in the effort to eradicate breast cancer. The mortality rate from the disease has fallen 35% since 1990.

That rate continues to drop each year, but not fast enough.

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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