
Nairobi Declaration On The Unheard Youth Voices By The UN

Nairobi Declaration On The Unheard Youth Voices By The UN
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Side-lines of the UN – Civil Society Conference on The Summit of The Future

The Kenyan Christian Professional Forum (KCPF) says that Christian voice seems to have been blocked at the United Nation Civil Society Conference.

“We are the youth of the world, hailing from diverse ethnic, religious, cultural, and economic backgrounds, united in our recognition of the intrinsic, inviolable, and unalienable dignity of every individual” Expressed Njeri Thuo from Empowered Youth Coalition during a presser held at Cardinal Otunga Plaza

Nairobi Declaration On The Unheard Youth Voices By The UN

In a statement, they say ACKNOWLEDGING the sanctity of life from conception to natural death as a foundational truth that guides their principles and actions affirming that the unborn person is a child who “needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth (CRC preamble).

RECOGNIZING the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society and government, entitled to protection by society and the state, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16;

AFFIRMING the importance of love, compassion, and unity as the pillars upon which a prosperous and harmonious society is built;

STANDING FIRM in our conviction that the traditional family structure, composed of a biologically male husband and a biologically female wife, united in marriage and collaborating in parenting children as father and mother, is the cornerstone of civilization;

UPHOLDING the freedom of religion and the preservation of traditional cultures that promote societal values and principles, fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding;

ASSERTING the right of every child to an education that is family cantered, age-appropriate, informative, and respectful of the prior right of parents to choose and guide the education of their children affirming cultural and religious values;

UPHOLDING the dignity and rights, from conception till natural death, of individuals living with disabilities, including those living with disorders of sex development;

EMPHASISING that the health of our planet is inextricably linked to the well-being of its inhabitants;

ALARMED BY the urgent need to address the challenges posed by corporate greed in propelling climate change, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources;

NOTING FURTHER that sovereignty in managing environmental sustainability is fundamental to securing a prosperous future for all;

The coalition has declared their unwavering commitment to these truths and principles.

Nairobi Declaration On The Unheard Youth Voices By The UN

They have called upon governments, institutions, civil societies, communities and families to:

Article 1: Affirmation of Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life

To promote every human being’s intrinsic value and unalienable dignity from conception to natural death be universally recognized and protected.

Article 2: The Family as the Cornerstone of Society

To reaffirm the family’s role as the natural and fundamental group unit of society and government, advocating for its protection and support by society and the state.

Article 3: Right to Life and Reproductive Health

To recognize the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) consensus that there is no international right to abortion and ensure that the sanctity of life is protected from conception to natural death.

Article 4: Religious Freedom and Cultural Preservation

To create a world where religious freedom is protected, honoured, respected and where traditional cultures that promote societal values are preserved.

Article 5: Education and Parental Responsibility

To ensure that every child has the right to education with age-appropriate information and to respect the prior right of parents to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children as declared in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26 (3).

Article 6: Support for persons living with disability.

To recognise and support individuals living with disability, including those living with disorders of sex development ensuring their dignity and rights are upheld. Additionally, revamping their national policy and regulation on persons with disabilities to include persons with disorders of sex development.

Article 7: Regulation of Technology

To challenge State Parties to develop stringent national guidelines to ensure the accuracy of technological innovations and prevent censorship of divergent views while upholding freedom of expression. Access to Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, while it must be open to all, should be regulated.

Article 8: Digital Public Infrastructure

To encourage significant investment from governments of State Parties in the digital public infrastructure (DPI) sector, with robust ethical mechanisms to address cybersecurity and data privacy, especially delinking personal health data from public digital records.

Article 9: Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

9.1: Sustainable Practices and Education

To encourage the integration of sustainable practices into all aspects of society, including education, agriculture, health, industry, and urban development. Promote educational curricula that emphasise the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

9.2: Conservation and Biodiversity

To reaffirm their commitment to the conservation of natural habitats and biodiversity. Recognising the critical role of ecosystems in maintaining climate balance and the necessity of protecting endangered species and natural resources.

9.3: Green Technologies and Innovation

To recognize the potential of green technologies and innovation in driving sustainable economic growth and propose increased investment in research and development of renewable energy sources and sustainable materials.

9.4: Climate Action and Policy

To enact and enforce policies that reduce carbon emissions by the major pollutants, promote renewable energy, and encourage sustainable practices across all sectors.

9.5: Youth Participation in Environmental Governance

To recognize the unique insights and contributions of youth in environmental governance. Young people should be given a platform to participate meaningfully in environmental decisionmaking processes at local, national, regional and international levels.

Nairobi Declaration On The Unheard Youth Voices By The UN

In the spirit of unity and with steadfast resolve, they commit to championing the principles enshrined in this declaration and pledge to be the vanguards of human dignity, environmental stewardship and societal well-being.

Through collaborative efforts and unwavering advocacy, they shall endeavour to forge a future where the sanctity of life , the strength of the family unity, and the reservation of our planet are held paramount. We stand tall, with a collective force dedicated to nurturing a world that honours and embraces sustainable progress for generations to come.

The coalition has invited the Member States of the United Nations, Civil Society Organisations, Faith Based Organisations, Cultural Institutions, Professional Bodies, Academia and other stakeholders to join us in upholding these tenets for the betterment of society and the advancement of human dignity.

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