
FIDA Condemns The Alarming Cases Of Femicide

FIDA Condemns The Alarming Cases Of Femicide. Photo Courtesy

FIDA Condemns The Alarming Cases Of Femicide

In a meeting held today at FIDA Kenya offices led by its Vice Chairperson Kungu, FIDA has condemned the rise of femicide and victim blaming cases in the country.

FIDA Kenya Vice Chairperson Christine Kungu said they are deeply concerned by the increasing instances of Violence Against Women (VAW) and Girls particularly the recent gruesome murder of Starlet Wahu Mwangi.

Kungu said Wahu’s death was a case of VAW in the form of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).

“Barely a week later FIDA- Kenya has learnt with shock of the murder of a woman whose body was found at an Airbnb located in Roysambu under circumstances suspected to have been IPV,” Kungu said when she addressed the press on Tuesday in Nairobi.

The loss of life of these young women sets worrying trend for the safety of women.

Kungu FIDA Vice chair

She noted that in Lang’ata estate, another woman is reported to have jumped from a third-floor apartment in unknown circumstances.

In another case in Machakos, a female university student was recently found stabbed to death in a boyfriend’s house.

Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) have come out to condemn the increased cases of femicide in the country as well as the blaming of the women who have been killed. 

A first-year student at Maasai Mara University’s body was also found in a bush near the campus raped, burnt with an iron box and strangled.

“The loss of life of these young women counts not only to statistics but also sets a worrying trend and uncertainty for the safety of women and girls in Kenya in general,” Kungu said.

She said Kenyans should not partake in shaming and judging victims of intimate partner violence, especially on social media.

FIDA Condemns The Alarming Cases Of Femicide. Photo Courtesy

“A violation is a violation,” Kungu said.

She commended the National Police Service (NPS) for their efforts in the timely apprehension of the suspect in Wahu’s murder.

Kungu however raised concern that there is a State’s failure to protect women and girls from violence

She said the violence occurs in private spaces by perpetrators who are well-known to the victims.

“It is extremely saddening that in the last one year, 10 cases of femicide have been reported in the media. Many more cases remain unreported,” she said.

Kungu said bringing the suspect to ‘justice’ is not sufficient.

She said there is a need to additionally conduct a thorough, effective and dedicated investigation into the circumstances that led to the unfortunate incidents.

“The Government must guarantee women and girls safe from IPV. We call upon the criminal justice actors to take into consideration the rights of the victim’s family and/or representatives at all stages of the criminal proceedings in further re-affirming the right to access to justice,” Kungu said.

FIDA also sought that the government strengthen the regulatory mechanisms for Airbnbs where the recent reported incidences have occurred.

Kungu said femicide has a psychological, emotional, physical, economic and/or social impact on women and girls

Further, she said there is need to empower institutions to enhance accountability, coordination monitoring and evaluation for sustainable VAW/G programs.

Kungu also affirmed that FIDA is committed to offering Pro Bono legal representation and psychosocial support for the victim’s family as well as other victims of VAW/G in the country.

FIDA Condemns The Alarming Cases Of Femicide. Photo Courtesy

“FIDA commits to facilitate Nationwide awareness on IPV alongside both state and non-state actors,” Kungu said.

Kenya University Student Organisation President Jesse Saruni said there have been many occurrences of students dying from violence.

Saruni said varsity students should try to be each other’s keeper.

“Be very aggressive and be your brother’s keeper. Be watchful of your friends when they go to social events. If we can be our brother’s keeper, we will be able to capture these incidences before they get out of hand,” the KUSO President said.

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