Did you know you can save money on a funeral with a hired casket?
Buying a casket can be expensive, and many people either do not have the means to pay for a casket or would prefer not to spend such a large sum of money.
Using a rental casket can also be seen as environmentally friendly as the rental casket is reused many times, as opposed to a traditional casket, which is used only once.
A rental casket is a casket that has a removable interior. The body is placed in a simple wooden box and the box is placed inside the casket. This gives the appearance that the body is actually in the casket.
In the real sense, the body never touches the casket, and the wooden box is easily removed after the service. The body can then be buried or cremated in the simple wooden box, and the funeral home can re-use the rental casket.
A rental casket is a good cost-saving option if you want to have a traditional casket at burial but do not want to purchase a casket.
Rental caskets are available for rent at many funeral homes. If you are interested in using a rental casket, make sure that the funeral home you are working with has rental caskets available.
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