
A Vasectomy? When To Have It.

A Vasectomy? When To Have A It. Photo Courtesy
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A Vasectomy? When To Have It.

According to a research report conducted by the University of Nairobi in 2014, Kenya is one of the many Sub-Saharan African countries with very high Total Fertility Rates (TFR), currently at 4.6 per woman with an annual population growth rate of 2.8%.

Given these statistics, Kenya’s population is projected to hit 85 Million by the year 2050.

The only way to slow down our exponential growth is through the use of family planning methods, many of which are designed for women with male options limited to condoms, withdrawal and vasectomies.

As most women will tell you, many of the contraception methods available to women come with health risks, which vary depending on the contraception method, including but not limited to blood clots, mood changes, decreased libido, weight gain, migraines, increased blood pressure and so on.

However, the majority of men in Kenya frown upon vasectomies, which has made it an unpopular family planning method. But according to Dr Charles Ochieng, a family planning advocate, the tide may be changing as more and more Kenyan men opt to go under the knife.

A Vasectomy? When To Have It. Photo Courtesy

It is important to discuss this method with your partner and to be sure about the decision yourself before making a decision. Here are some facts to know before deciding on a vasectomy.

  1. Vasectomies are done either under local anaesthesia or conscious sedation and are considered a permanent form of male birth control. As such, the decision should not be made lightly. There are ways to reverse a vasectomy but they do not always work.
  2. It does not affect your libido or sexual functioning.
  3. It is a minor surgery so most men will be able to resume their daily activities including having sex after 10 days.
  4. You should have a vasectomy if:-
  • You are certain that you desire no more or any children
  • Your partner should not get pregnant for the sake of her own health
  • You and/or your partner are carriers for genetic disorders that you do not want your children to have
  1. Do not undergo the surgery if you are not sure if you want to have children in the future, you may have other partners in the future, you plan to have children by reversing your vasectomy.


ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

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