
6 Things Men Hate That Women Do

6 Things Men Hate That Women Do.

6 Things Men Hate That Women Do

As human beings, we all have our flaws. But as women, we will never admit how messed up we are, how annoying we tend to be, and how ridiculous we sometimes look. Some women may be down to earth, just not on this earth.

There are several books that have been written by female authors, in order for men to understand women. But truth is, can women understand themselves in the first place? Will women be able to admit, face and maybe correct the mistakes they do while dealing with men? And what do men really hate about women?

  1. Not Giving them their Personal Space

Don’t be too clingy, men hate it when they feel like you’re trying to control their life and take up all their free time. They like to be in control of their decisions and you need to give them the space to do other things they like, they’ll always make time for you.

  1. Being too Dramatic

Men think women are cute when they act childish in a fun way, they like feeling needed and that you count on them for support but sometimes it’s a bit too much. Acting like a baby to get attention is a huge turnoff. They hate it when you start nagging, complaining, and not admitting it when you’re wrong.

6 Things Men Hate That Women Do.

  1. Bringing up/talking about exes

Men hate it when you talk about your exes especially if you do it all the time or bring up details. It’s okay to have the conversation about exes but you shouldn’t dwell on it or mention them too much because it’s a big turnoff for a lot of men.

  1. Not Giving them Enough Attention

Men sometimes need attention too, so if you’re always out with your friends, not taking care of them or their needs and not making them feel that they are needed or wanted they will definitely rethink the relationship.

  1. Bringing Up Old things Every Time you Fight

We all hold grudges, and it comes out involuntarily especially when we’re really hurt. It’s okay to learn from past mistakes but once you’ve talked about them and forgiven them you shouldn’t hold it against the other person and bring it up every single time you fight. Unless they do it repeatedly and it really bothers you.

  1. Talking to your Friends about Anything and Everything

We all know that a girl talks about how she feels way more than a guy does. Girls talk to each other a lot, it’s okay to ask for advice or vent when you’re feeling frustrated, but a guy hates it when you discuss the details of your relationship with all your friends. Most guys appreciate privacy so try to keep your fights or issues between the two of you.

ABN Staff
Felicity Gitonga is the founder of Africa Business News. abn, freelance writer, journalist, and author with a passion for telling stories.

Turning Trash Into Treasure; Jewellery Made From Bones. 

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